The former proprietor of Rahal Design Studios, Michael Rahal retired from that position to purchase 59 acres in Caney Fork Creek in Fernvale, Tennessee. Transforming it into Rahal Farms, he practices holistic farming and sustainable living to create ecologically friendly foods.

Michael Rahal places high value on compassionate animal husbandry. Responsible for thousands of heritage hens, he understands how treating animals properly can produce better-tasting eggs. The fresh eggs from his farm contain significantly more beta carotene, vitamin D, omega-3 fatty acids, and other nutrients than conventional, store-bought eggs. 

Considering compassionate animal husbandry as connecting to a human's primal self, Mr. Rahal divides his philosophy into three main components: knowledge, communication, and compassion. Knowledge refers to learning what goes into properly caring for each species so that they may achieve their best emotional and physical health. Communication requires that farmers observe each individual animal so that they can recognize changes in demeanor. Finally, compassion requires being attuned to the fact that animals possess the same feelings as humans in order to construct an overall environment that contributes to their happiness. 

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